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Sunday, 18 November 2007

'In its 25 years, Channel 4 has been a pioneer among broadcasters in new media. But as its rivals start to catch up, can it keep ahead of the pack?'

From New Media Age, 15/11/07: http://www.nma.co.uk/Articles/35842/Channel+4.html

- currently, the answer is 'no'.....it can't make up its mind if it is a public service publisher in the new media world or a commercial heavy weight - 4Docs or Big Brother? it can't seem to do both under Andy Duncan's management.........but we all hope it can catch up......the appointment of Jon Gisby (http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2007/nov/16/channel4.digitalmedia?gusrc=rss&feed=media) as director of new media and technology is a hope that they can do better
- the BBC has recently announced its multi-platform strategy for BBC Vision under Simon Nelson (http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/speeches/stories/nelson_multiplatform.shtml) ...... that has shown the Beeb has caught up broadcaster rival C4 through a simple strategy (find, play, share), a commitment to proper 360 degree commissioning (one commissioner, one budget) and an iPlayer that finally works
- ITV seems to have lost itself up its own arrogance and has pumped millions in to a new website (itv.com) that is more high tech, but just as nasty looking and difficult to navigate as its previous incarnation. Even with the purchase of Friend's Reunited it can't quite move from a web 1.0 world and has over sold out to PartyGaming by creating Emmerdale Bingo and Friend's Reunited Bingo as slightly cynical revenue earners in the wake of lost telephony revenue
- the less said about 'five' the better, so 1995

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